So, lets say you’ve made a smart decision and decided to use Capsule moving containers for your local move here in DFW. Now all you need to do it pack, but although some things might seem obvious it’s always good to go over the basics on how to pack before you start. Packing a Truck, and a moving container are fairly the same. When Packing a CAPSULE there are three basics, heavy stuff on bottom, secure it using straps or packing it in tight, and try to distribute weight evenly.
- Pack up the walls and across the ceiling, like 3-d Tetris.
- Start with the heavy stuff first like dressers at the bottom, then pack up with the lighter weight stuff from there.
- Larger heavy furniture should be placed around the edge of the Capsule container. Try to do distribute the weight equally around the left and right side of the Capsule moving container.
- Stand longer items up tall to take up less floor space and allow for more room on the floor. Packing up, is harder than using more floor space.
- Stack lighter boxes on top. Boxes should be stacked by weight not size. IF using boxes accordingly, smaller boxes hold heavier stuff.
- Do not underestimate using boxes. The help organize and allow things to be stackable.
- Use straps to hold anything down that could fall over or slide. Do not ratchet stuff down to hard, just enough to keep stuff in place.
- If you have got bolts from taking things apart, use baggies, and label them.
- Label boxes.
- Do not be afraid to use different size boxes, they come in handy when wedging stuff into place.
- Load the things you’ll need first at the new place last, and at the doors.
All that seems like common sense, but its good to go over before you start.